Tuesday 15 September 2009

Star Signs-What do they really mean

Star signs has ruled humanity's journey from the beginning of time till the present. So what exactly do we get from star sign's and why do we believe in them so much.
So much that, you may decide to postpone your holiday or you may find that you and your new love interest are not compatible, because of his/her star sign.
We give a lot to signs, it has been said in many, many books and teachings of how humans where able to circumnavigate the globe with the aid of the stars.

The stars are ruled by the 12 signs of the zodiac, looking at the Oxford English dictionary, we understand zodiac to be...



noun a belt of the heavens within about 8° of the ecliptic, including all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and planets and divided by astrologers into twelve equal divisions or signs.

— DERIVATIVES zodiacal /zdik’l/ adjective.

— ORIGIN Greek zoidiakos, from zoidion ‘sculptured animal figure’, from zoion ‘animal’.

1.When was this method of reading the stars created and by whom?

From the studies, we find a lot of information of the earliest zodiac signs, in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Sumeria. Sumeria being an older civilisation to the others, would be our oldest point of study. We need to also understand that each preceding empire or system added to or modified the templates for the zodiac.

From the Sumerians it was passed through the Chaldean's to the Egyptians in about 2000BC

Below are descriptions and names given to star signs and by the Sumerians

Name - Constellation - Sign

MUL.MUL Pleides - Stars-Stars

GUD.AN.NA - Pleides - Celestial bull

SIBA.ZI.AN.NA - Orion - Shepherd

SHU.GI - Perseus - Old man

GAM - Auriga - Broken Staff

MASH.TAB.BA.GAL.GAL - Gemini - Great Twins

AL.LUL - Cancer - The Crab

UR.GU.LA - Leo - Giant Dog

AB.SIN - Virgo Ear of Barley or Spica

ZI.BA.NI.TUM - Libra - Flower

GIR.TAB - Scorpio - Scorpion

PA.BIL.SAG - Sagittarius - Horse

SHUHUR.MASH - Capricorn - Sea Goat

GU.LA - Aquarius - Giant

ZIBATI SIM.MAH - Pisces - Swallow

A.NU.NI. - Pisces - Fish

LU.HUN.GA - Aries - Labourer

Monday 14 September 2009

Cars and machinery

Cars have come a long way and how did we come up with such an innovative way of travelling. From the back of camels, horses, donkeys, elephants and llamas to metal objects that reach speeds once unimaginable to mankind.

where did the idea come from and who first hit upon it.

Magnets and magnetism

as stated in the

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

noun (OBJECT)
mæg.nət/ n [C]
an object that is able both to attract iron and steel objects and also push them away


mæg.nət/ n [C]
a person, place or thing that other people feel strongly attracted to

I am compiling a study of magnets and magnetism. To find out what it is and why we could not survive without it.

As u know with out magnets the world would not go round the sun, the moon would not exist and we would not be talking the subject because we would not be around.
Magnets have not been fully appreciated for what it is...for instance, every electrical product or item u possess has a magnet/magnets for it to function.

In physics, the term magnetism is used to describe how materials respond on the microscopic level to an applied magnetic field; to categorize the magnetic phase of a material. For example, the most well known form of magnetism is ferromagnetism such that some ferromagnetic materials produce their own persistent magnetic field. Some well-known ferromagnetic materials that exhibit easily detectable magnetic properties (to form magnets) are nickel, iron, cobalt, gadolinium and their alloys. However, all materials are influenced to greater or lesser degree by the presence of a magnetic field. Some are attracted to a magnetic field (paramagnetism); others are repulsed by a magnetic field (diamagnetism); others have a much more complex relationship with an applied magnetic field. Substances that are negligibly affected by magnetic fields are known as non-magnetic substances. They include copper, aluminium, water, and gases.

The magnetic state (or phase) of a material depends on temperature (and other variables such as pressure and applied magnetic field) so that a material may exhibit more than one form of magnetism depending on its temperature, etc.


The moon landing, real or not?

The moon landing is something that sort of bug's me. we have conspiracy theorists having a field day with the endless amount of video and photographic discrepancies in the Apollo 11 moon Landings.

Did we or did we not have the technological capability to land on the moon and if we did why have we not gone back.

We shall investigate both sides as we always do. We shall make an unbiased investigation into it. It is not our view that counts but yours.

Please leave comments and info u may have to share with the community.

You will find links to other sites and blogs in our quest to find out the truth.



I shall start, by breaking down the definition of Science, as stated in the

Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary..

science noun

/saɪənt s/ n
[U] (knowledge from) the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiments, and the development of theories to describe the results of these activities.

we shall now do the same for the word myth.

myth noun (ANCIENT STORY)


C or U]
an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining in a literary way the early history of a group of people or about natural events and facts



[C + that] disapproving a commonly believed but false idea

This blog is dedicated to the exploration and study of both science and myths, this is because we are living in a world ruled by both factors and are only just beginning to dispel many things we once called myths.
With the advancement in exploration techniques and science now available to world archaeologist's . We are slowly starting to reveal the truth to many of the worlds most widely held beliefs/myths.
Advanced knowledge of our ancient past is now become clearer to us. Proving that these were not myths at all and did happen, or did it?

ironically, we owe this to our NEW knowledge of science.. Our advancement in technological and scientific knowledge, as given us the capability of dissecting every grain of evidence. From carbon dating techniques, to the study of DNA samples from mummies from ancient Pharaoh's of Egypt.

We are bridging the link to both sides of the equation.

Daily links and updates from various information and happenings.